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DNA Inspired by using a Wireless Network Security

Author :
  • Mazniha Berahim
Universal use of wireless networks and popularity among consumers to connect to the web generates incentives for attackers and enables them to stepping-stone attack the wireless link to steal information from legitimate customers by exploiting wireless media information packets and using multiple malware and sniffing attack methods. Wireless network resources are more susceptible to intruders using links to gain access to the access point. We take inspiration from DNA bases in this job to encrypt and decrypt user data and use a DNA algorithm for users to access their wireless network and stop intruders from accessing the same wireless access point. This makes the customer more dependent on their information authentication as they travel through the wireless network. In this study, we need to use DNA nucleotide bases for protection against replacement and mutation, which converts user information into DNA sequences designed for users who access the wireless network AP list and also encrypts and decrypts the information flow stream. Users access wireless list sequences using matching or mismatching sequences for a lawful user that helps identify intruders and make it inflexible to stop information, which is to enhance wireless security and management to mitigate the faults of past safety methods, while the present major problems of DNA cryptography are the lack of theoretical bases.
Keywords : DNA Sequence; Alignment; wireless security; encryption; decryption; XOR; PCR
Volume 3 | Issue 2